Arizona Man Retires Early After Multiple Health Problems

It would have been easy for the little leaguer to quit. In fact, when it feels like we have failed or when we have disappointments, (when the score is 23-0) it is sometimes tempting to throw in the towel and wallow in our pain, disillusionment, sense of failure and disappointment.

No. SSDI is specifically for people who are disabled but are not old enough to collect retirement benefits. SSI is for elderly people who are not eligible for retirement benefits and for people of all ages who are disabled but are not eligible for SSDI.

To take advantage of tax benefits and insurance, you will need a Social Security Number for your child. This will also be required to open a bank account or investment account for your child.

So, what are the big things? Obviously, a lot of different things qualify. They can run from the mortgage on your home to disability to your health. This is, however, not an exclusive list. You should evaluate your own life circumstances with some professional help. That being said, there are three areas most people want to get covered.

Second, as you reflect on the past year, write down everything you did right. Nothing succeeds like success and this is the time to capture what’s working well for you. Then do the same for what went wrong. Do you find yourself overspending? Do you have a hard time tracking what you spend? Perhaps you just need to get your income up? Are there any loose ends that need attention such as making a will or buying long talking products for the blind? Are you making good progress towards building wealth and/or paying cash for the nicer things you’d like to earn? Have you started saving a down payment for a home? Write out specific goals that can be measured. “Save more.” is too vague. “Save $200 every month towards a down payment.” is better.

Now imagine what happens during a high-risk pregnancy. Mom may miss several months of income prior to delivery to take bed rest to protect her infant’s health. This equates to more missed income. Plus, there may be left-over medical expenses to throw in the mix. And, if baby requires care in the NICU expenses could really pile up.

If you are concerned about staying solvent in the event of a disability, consider purchasing supplemental short term disability insurance while you are still healthy, and before getting pregnant. These policies will pay an additional benefit should you become disabled, and help close the gap in your California short term disability insurance coverage.